My work
For leaders who want to make a real difference,
improve their results, become more of who they are right now and experience great fulfilment in their lives.
Mijn werk EN
My work
Executive coaching
“You have to know yourself to go beyond yourself.”
Being at the top presents many personal challenges. Splendid isolation and the lack of honest feedback are just two examples. You have little time to do something for yourself because everyone demands your attention. Therefore, reflection is one of the most important leadership tools for you. As a leader who wants to make a real difference, to improve your leadership results and the desire to experience more fulfilment in your life, Executive Coaching support is essential. To make this work successfully you need to take time, because you will require that honest mirror and reflection.
Leadership Presence
“The quality of the intervention depends on the inner quality of the intervenor.”
Bill O’Brien
CEO’s must have it. Managers must develop it. High Potentials strive for it. Real change agents and leaders have it. Nelson Mandela, Margaret Thatcher, Eva Peron and Steve Jobs all had it. Aung San Suu Kyi, Richard Branson and The Elders … they have it. We are talking about the x-factor in business and politics that creates the difference between an average and a great leader.
Leadership Presence seems to be difficult to label. You know it when you see or experience it. We stop, turn around, we put away our smartphone and we listen to what this person has to say – intently, with admiration, in awe. What is it that these people radiate that makes us react differently and lets us describe them as inspiring, powerful, confident, fascinating and engaging?
Culture and team development
“Common purpose, shared experiences helps a team come together.”
Culture and team development seem more difficult than it really is. The change itself is not that difficult, however, the transition that this change requires of people is a different and challenging process. It’s about the approach, the dedication to the individual, the connection with the system and the discipline with which it is implemented.
Do you have enough motivation, commitment and perseverance to really push this through?
How you organize and guide a successful process, preferably by the people from your own organization, is the powerful experience offered here.
Deepening for professionals
“Sharing is Growing”
Sharing experiences and giving others the opportunity to use what is learned from these experiences is vital to you and your organization. I believe in “sharing is growing” and when you give, you will always receive back. That is the motivation to distribute all knowledge, experience and skills with others that can benefit from it. The development events and trainings that I organize, together with other well established, deeply trained and highly experienced colleagues, are primarily focused on professional deepening. An important part of this development is an open attitude to personal deepening, as you cannot share what you do not have within you.
And you? When do you start the long journey inside?
Executive coaching
As an executive and senior manager, you did not end up at that position by chance. Your rational and cognitive abilities are more than fine. The real growth therefore lies in tapping into the rest of your potential. You will not get this from a book or seminar, this comes from within. It is within your heart, your core. More courage, more creativity, more clarity and more empathy to inspire others, as well as yourself, once again. This is exactly the part of you that your people are asking for, where millennials draw from and where your growth is enbedded. Effective executive coaching is therefore an inside-out process that takes place at multiple levels, the conscious, the unconscious and the systemic layer.
I could share with you a lot about what a good coach does, however, look at the references and you will know whether we could work together.
Success and fulfillment
It is about increasing your radius of perception both vertically and horizontally, to effectively tackle your challenges from a new perspective. In short, more success and more fulfilment will inspire your environment once again.
Pay off
More self-awareness ensures more self-correction, freedom of choice and guts. It deepens the level of trust and the ability to connect. As a result, you experience more relaxation under pressure, which in turn allows your people to relax and stay in motion. It enables you to have honest and open conversations, to build reciprocal relationships, to make better, inspiring decisions and thereby achieve goals more easily.
“Reflection is the key to executive success.”
..and with whom can you speak honestly and openly about it?
Self management, inside-out
Transformation requires focus on visible and invisible structures. By means of an inside-out process you look at all these structures and create more self-awareness. Defining your strengths, values, desires, downsides, fears and motivations opens the door to unlock additional potential. It means that you will get to know yourself deeply. So that you can develop, from your full potential, the strength and courage to realize what previously seemed impossible, both in your professional and private life.
Committed to the individual, connected to the system
Filosofie EN
Purpose statement
Strengthening people and organizations by enabling them to (re)discover and fully exploit the beauty of their potential.
Starting points
- Awareness and insight into yourself and the systems around you is a prerequisite for transformation
- “Sharing is Growing”. All we do is co-creation. Through experience and in exchange, you learn and develop faster
- Congruent leadership creates the clarity and security needed to fully demonstrate and utilize potential
- You own your choices. You are in charge. You can do and are more than you think
Core values
- Connection: people are the key
- Impact: we want to achieve profound effect, we achieve that together
- Integrity: say what you see, say what you do and do what you say
- Compassion and carefulness: everyone is different and that requires personal attention
- Courage: with depth in the undercurrent we create the real results. Stating ‘what is really there’ has a liberating effect
- Pleasure: depth and light-heartedness complement each other
Committed to the individual, connected to the system
Often, we think that we need a change of environment, while in reality it is about our inner change. Without inner change there is no lasting result … and all these truths have been around for centuries. Growth of the individual can only arise with due regard for the environment in which they must be effective. The deeper we dive, the more widely applicable the insights are.
Therefore, the leadership and coaching programs are built from a mix of ancient insights combined with the latest scientific discoveries in organizational development, psychology, neuroscience and organizational behavioural sciences.
The collective
Every individual has grown up with and is connected to systems. Family, school, culture, religion, friends, sports, teams and organizations are all systems. We are still influenced by these systems to this day. By gaining insight into the dynamics that play a role in the systems in which we move into and where we emerge from, we can become more effective in our leadership.
The individual
Every individual has visible and hidden talents. Every individual has their own range of patterns that strengthens and limits them.
Interaction creates result
By seeing both the individual with all their (visible and hidden) potential as well as the system (with all its reinforcing and entangling dynamics) around it, the possibility and magic of transformation – with tangible results – arises. Results such as trust, greater connection, improved performance, team alignment and personal fulfilment will emerge.
Business is conducted in a context of increasing complexity. Leadership in this complex environment requires leadership presence, to be able to continue to see what is actually going on and to respond to it. Connection is the core ingredient of leadership presence. It concerns the presence of the individual, of the team, of the entire organization. Connection with oneself in the form of (self-) consciousness and connection with each other in the form of (social) consciousness are the basis of leadership presence.
This is why we have chosen to build all programs from the inside-out. Inside-out creates self-awareness and helps to change restrictive mindsets. We work on internal entanglements that keep us trapped, provide insight into blind spots and we use our vulnerability as an opportunity to utilize more of ourselves. We assume that all qualities are already there at this level, both visible and hidden. If we regain access to it, we can achieve new goals.
5% of German workers are not engaged in their work. Defined as essentially sleep walking throughout their day. This actively disengaged group costs the German economy 73 billion to 95 billion euros annually in lost productivity, according to Gallup estimates. (Gallup, 2015)
(Gallup, 2013)
Passion for personal, professional and organizational development,
timeless wisdom and applied psychology
Paul Zonneveld EN
Paul Zonneveld
Paul Zonneveld (1961) is an internationally experienced leadership consultant. As an executive coach, trainer and supervisor, he guides leaders, professionals and organizations in growth, change and transformation processes. He uses his multidisciplinary background to challenge his clients and inspire them to evolve to the next, higher level. He is devoted to the strength of the individual and to the transformation of the collective. By creating the transformation and growth from within, Paul uses all the present (often undiscovered) potential of the client. He leads them to a deeper understanding, trust and alignment with their goals. An increased pleasure in cooperation, greater professional performance and personal fulfilment are the result. Together with the client he creates new possibilities to combine their logic, compassion and intuition with professional use for better results. Paul has been a guest lecturer at Nyenrode Business University for the past 3 years for the “Behavioral and Cultural Governance Program” (Sustainable Performance in Disruptive Times) course.
With professional roots in physiotherapy, sales, business development and European senior management positions, he brings broad business experience to the table. Paul combines his passion for personal, professional and organizational development, timeless wisdom, applied psychology and the latest scientific discoveries to achieve insights and transformations on many levels.
Paul’s clients come from various sectors and have several aspirations in common.
They want:
- to make a difference
- to unlock their inner power and send out
a powerful presence to their environment - to be a positive change agent in their industry
and private life
Their open-minded attitude, commitment and drive to look deeper and view things differently are ingredients of joint success and personal fulfilment.
Core values
Connection, impact, integrity, courage and compassion
Top 5 strengths
- Connectedness
- Achiever
- Positivity
- Strategic
- Learner
bron Strengthsfinder® by Gallup
Some observations from Paul’s clients:
keen observation skills
determined and pleasant
knows how to deal with underlying issues in a light-hearted way
well-thought-out approach … increased business performance
easy-going person
enormous acceleration
Paul is connected to a large learning network of inspiring (international) colleagues via a.o.
Mobius Executive Leadership and Center for Creative Leadership.
Paul is married, has two children and lives in Amsterdam.
In de media featured EN
Publications and video
In de media EN
The Principles of Systemic Intelligence
by Mobius Transformational Faculty Members Paul Zonneveld and Mieke Jacobs
Click for more publications
Interview Rake Vragen
Agenda featured EN
Stay informed of the upcoming workshop dates
Agenda EN
April 2020
23 April 2020 at 7.30 – 8.30 pm - GLOBAL COLLECTIVE TRAUMA PREVENTION
27 April 2020 at 2 pm - OPEN CAFÉ
29 April 2020 at 7.00 – 8.00 pm
Mei 2020
Module 1: May 29 4-6 PM CET
Module 2: June 4 4-6 PM CET
Module 3: June 11 4-6 PM CET
Module 4: June 18 4-6 PM CET
Module 5: June 25 4-6 PM CET
Q&A Module: July 2 4-6 PM CET
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Juni 2020
10, 11, & 12 JUNI 2020
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Augustus 2020
BLOK 1: 20 & 21 AUGUSTUS 2020
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September 2020
3-11 SEPTEMBER 2020
BLOK 2: 17 & 18 SEPTEMBER 2020
BLOK 3: 29 & 30 SEPTEMBER 2020
BLOK 4: 28 & 29 OKTOBER 2020
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November 2020
18, 19 & 20 NOVEMBER 2020
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In samenwerking met Next Practice Institute of Mobius Executive Leadership
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December 2020
BLOK 5: 3 & 4 DECEMBER 2020
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15 DECEMBER 2020
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Want to know more? Contact us.
Contact EN
Paul Zonneveld
Titiaanstraat 18 hs
1077 RH Amsterdam
Tel: +31 614 378 275